Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Kinnos & 9 Av resources



Tonight, 1,939 years since the destruction of the Second Temple, Rav Leff delivered words of hisorerus (awakening), introuducing the topic he will be focusing on in his explaination of the Kinos tomorrow. He discussed two things that we are missing since the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash - Shalom & Emes (peace and truth).

The video of the drasha Rav Leff delivered Tisha B'av night, 5767(2007) has been posted. You can watch it here:http://www.rabbileff.net/shiurim/moadim/tishabav/videos-leil-5767.htm

Kinot For Our Time
The destruction of the Six Million is our stark connection to the eternal Tisha B'Av. Two great and inspiring spiritual leaders of our time, The Bobover Rebbe and Rav Shimon Schwab composed Kinot lamenting and memorializing the unspeakable tragedy. In recent years, many congregations have adopted the practice of reciting these Kinot on the evening or morning of Tisha B'Av. We present these Kinot, with our translation, as a public service.
Click HERE for FREE download.

The Talmud on the Destruction
The classic Torah study for Tisha B'Av study is the series of Talmudic narratives about the destruction of the Second Temple. Included are narratives of the internal struggle between the leaders of the nation and the instigators of war.
For the benefit of our readers, we present a section of this Talmudic portion (Gittin 55b-56a), adapted from the Schottenstein Edition of Talmud Bavli.
Click HERE for FREE download.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for providing kinnos :-)

have an easy fast