Monday, July 2, 2007

Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh - settling the land is a mitzva which encompasses the entire Torah

Yesterday was the Holy Rav Chaim ben Attar's yohrzeit, the Ohr haChaim haKadosh on Parshas Nitzavim:

Hashem says see I have placed before you today life and death. While admonishing us to choose life the verse continues "To Love Hashem your G-d and to listen to His voice and to cleave with dveykus to him for He is your life and the length of your days, to dwell upon the land that Hashem swore to your forebears Avraham, Yitzhok and Ya'akov to give to them."

Dvarim 30:20 - "LaSheves - to dwell on the land - because settling the land is a mitzva which encompasses the entire Torah. We see this from what our sages taught in Talmud Kesubos 111a He who walks 4 cubits in it has a portion in the coming world which is all life."

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